Diversity, Equity, Emiratisation and Inclusion

At GEMS Metropole School, our mission is built upon the foundational principles of Diversity, Equity, Emiratisation, and Inclusion (DEEI). These core values are the bedrock upon which we shape our educational environment, extending their influence across every facet of our institution, from students and staff to our broader community.

Diversity is celebrated at our school, recognizing that a rich tapestry of backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives enhances the learning experience. We foster an environment where differences are not only respected but embraced, allowing our students to grow as global citizens who appreciate the beauty of a multicultural world.

Equality stands at the forefront of our mission, ensuring that every student has equal access to opportunities and support. We are committed to nurturing an environment where each individual can thrive, regardless of their background, gender, or abilities.

Emiratisation is a pillar of our mission, embodying our dedication to empowering local talent. We strive to prepare Emirati students for leadership roles in the UAE and beyond, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

Inclusion is the heartbeat of our institution, exemplifying our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive community for all. We prioritise the emotional and social well-being of our students, fostering an atmosphere where they feel valued, heard, and respected.

These core values, Diversity, Equality, Emiratisation, and Inclusion, underpin every decision we make, every curriculum we design, and every interaction within our school. They define who we are, and we pledge to continue cultivating a learning environment where these principles flourish, benefiting our students, staff, and community alike.

What does DEI look like in the workplace? 

Our DEI journey began in 2023. We have meticulously examined our school's systems and processes to ensure they promote diversity, equity, and inclusion for everyone. Moving forward, we will conduct annual reviews of these systems and processes, involving all stakeholders. Our goal is to evolve from a multicultural society to an intercultural one. Instead of recognizing different societies existing independently, we aim to foster integration among all groups. Our workplace embraces individuals from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, as reflected in our student body, staff, and parent community.

How is DEI implemented through the school to raise awareness with students?

Our DEI initiatives are actively implemented throughout the school to raise awareness among students. We host a variety of activities and cultural celebrations year-round, fostering an inclusive environment. Our Global Committee Student Leadership group lead events that engage all students and the community in DEI efforts. We have reviewed our MSC curriculum, integrating best practices from around the world while ensuring alignment with UAE laws and Code of conduct. INSET days have been dedicated to staff training, enhancing cultural awareness and sensitivity. Additionally, we looked at ways in which we can adapt our curriculum to better represent students from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds. Various competitions, such as Black History Month and World Culture in a Frame, further promote awareness and appreciation among students.

How are we supporting staff to understand what DEI is?

To support our staff in understanding DEI, we conducted a comprehensive survey to gauge their feelings and needs. Based on this feedback, we developed a DEI policy that incorporates their insights and requirements. We have appointed a DEI lead who provides a safe space for staff to confidentially and anonymously raise concerns. The DEI lead also has the capacity to investigate matters, ensuring all processes are carried out with integrity and transparency. Recognising the need for further training, we have planned additional sessions for the upcoming year to enhance awareness and address sensitive DEI issues.

What have we done so far?

So far, we have made significant strides in our DEI efforts. We conducted a student survey focused on belonging and the concept of the 'third culture kid,' along with staff and parent surveys to gather their perspectives on DEI. Professional development sessions were delivered for Parent Ambassadors and Middle Leaders, aiming to internationalise the curriculum. Additionally, we identified areas for development based on these surveys and academic literature, which informed our first DEI impact report. These steps have laid a solid foundation for our ongoing DEI initiatives and journey. 


Read our DEEI - Impact Report 2023-24



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