Senior School - FUTURE SCHOOL
Where futures are experienced AMBITIONYear 10 to 13
Our Future School, which includes years 10-13, (14 – 18 years) focuses on academic and vocational achievement. It aims to bring the dreams and aspirations of our students to life, where they begin to see their future evolve.
Students build excitement over their journey beyond school, and work on becoming fully prepared for further study and the world of work. We consider the ability, needs and desires of all our students on an individual basis, ensuring they opt for qualifications that provide the best chance of success.
Students are skillfully guided to choosing the pathway and subjects which will open the door to higher education and employment. The school is delighted to offer a range of pathways for students, from highly academic routes to more vocational opportunities. Students are welcome to undertake the traditional GCSE/iGCSE programme or opt to engage in a vocational curriculum, which has seen the introduction of iBTEC (Level 2) courses in Business, Sport, ICT, and Travel & Tourism. Having these routes available for option choices entering into Year 10, ensures that Metropole has a number of pathways available that support all learners. Students have the unique opportunity to combine their courses, ensuring all our students are passionate about their chosen pathway and appreciate the relevance of the outcomes they will come to achieve.
We are proud of our inclusive and attractive Sixth Form curriculum, which meets the needs of all our students and those in other schools who are looking for a broader, unique and more flexible provision. We adopt a truly holistic approach, delivering a range of high quality, cutting edge, internally and externally recognised pathways incorporating the A-Level, International A-Level, International BTEC, EPQ, and ASDAN qualifications. In parallel to our academic qualifications, we deliver enrichment, pastoral and work-related programmes through various external partners to ensure students are developing the broad range of skills and attributes that future employers and universities are looking for. Our holistic programme is broad, including sport, the arts, debating, mentoring and leadership to name just a few. Students will participate in university and careers fairs and build networks with local businesses through our 1Hub. The enrichment programme in the Future School is vast and incorporates accreditations such as the Duke of Edinburgh award, where we see our students lead on expeditions in developing countries. Debating is practiced through our students leading Ted Talks and hosting Model United Nations conferences.
in Sixth Form allows students to lead their own learning in preparation for university assignments at undergraduate level. Our Future School offers specialist scholarships to celebrate the academic abilities of our students and to encourage them to continue to strive for success.

Course Option
Senior Course Options
Year 10 and Year 11
Age: 14 Years old to 15 Years old
As students move into Year 10 the next stage of their learning journey to excellence and global citizenship requires them to make a number of decisions around the subjects that will define their learning journey for the next two years.
We strive to support knowledge, help students to acquire skills and develop a strong character to help prepare them for their future aspirations. Metropole is usually a place central to the city, country or community, this is what our school is; the hub of our community and will support all aspects of community life inside and outside school. Our school welcomes all into our central hub.
There are different exam boards offering certificated courses in both GCSEs and International GCSEs. As an international school we have the opportunity to present students for either course from the range of exam boards. We are currently presenting students for a mixture of GCSE and iGCSE exams with AQA and Edexcel exam boards.
Physical Activity is extremely important in supporting our students and keeping them healthy and in a good state of mind. All Year 10 and Year 11 students will have 2 lessons of Physical Activity per week. This will be increasingly important in Key Stage 4, where academic demands on students are far greater than lower down in the school. Students interested in this subject can also select GCSE Physical Education as an option.
All students who hold an Arabic passport must study Arabic MOE as this is compulsory.
During Moral Education, Arabic MOE and Islamic Studies, students will be studying the ministry approved Curriculum. This is a requirement from the KHDA.
All Muslim students have to study Islamic. Non-Muslim students will use this time for Career’s enrichment to help support decisions further in their education.
We understand that creating a focused curriculum at this early stage in education can be a difficult process. In MTS we believe that a broad and balanced education is still important in KS4 to prepare students for future studies in whichever system of education or career path they enter. We find that many students will change their career focus as they continue through education and want them to keep a variety of options open. We are proud to offer a wide range of courses to meet the interests and needs of our students.
To ensure breadth and balance and to meet UAE requirements all students will study the following core subjects:
- GCSE English – Language, or Language and Literature (depending on suitability), or 2nd Language English
- GCSE Mathematics - Foundation or Higher
- GCSE Science - Double Award or Triple Science Award
- Arabic A and B students will study the MOE course with the option of taking iGCSE examination
- Physical Education - Core subject
- Islamic Studies for Muslim students
- UAE Moral and Social Studies re compulsory subjects
Students are required to select 4 additional courses, which must include UAE Ministry of Education (MOE) Arabic A for all Arabic passport holders. They should select 1 subject from each option column. We will strive to meet the requests of students however there are limited spaces in each subject and option subjects will only run if there is sufficient uptake.
The option subjects we offer are:
- Arabic A
- Arabic B
- Art, Craft and Design
- Computer Science
- Business Studies
- Dance
- Drama
- Economics
- Food Preparation & Nutrition
- Geography
- History
- Media Studies
- Modern Languages - French
- Modern Languages - Spanish
- Music
- Physical Education
- Psychology
- Sociology
- iBTEC ICT (Level 2)
- iBTEC Sports (Level 2)
- iBTEC Business (Level 2)
- iBTEC Travel and Tourism (Level 2)
Sixth Form Overview
GEMS Metropole Sixth Form offers personalised pathways available to students, which include IAS and IA Levels, and some traditional AS and A Levels.
AS & A Level
- A levels have been described as the ‘gold standard’ of post-16 examinations and they are accepted as an entry qualification into all the best universities around the world.
- A levels are particularly well suited to students who have particular strengths in 3 areas of the curriculum and wish to study them further in greater depth.
- The A level is examined at the end of Year 13. The AS level is a standalone qualification taken at the end of Year 12 and cannot be counted towards the A level. Assessment is 100% examination at the end of Year 13.
International AS & A Level
- International A levels are also recognized by all the top universities worldwide.
- International A levels are similar to A levels but they have a more flexible, modular structure than A level and the syllabus content is designed to have greater international relevance.
- Unlike AS level, international AS level modules can be retaken to try to improve a student’s score. The AS is half the content of the A level and counts towards the final A level result. It is taken at the end of Year 12. Assessment is 100% examination.
Post-16 Phase
Our Post-16 Phase is being developed with the following core principles:
To ensure we are able to offer accessible courses for our students’ abilities and passions, and provide qualifications which will help them access Higher Education Institutions and the workplace.
To build independent, responsible and resilient citizens by giving our students greater autonomy. Sixth Form students will receive the opportunity of greater freedom to help transition them into the independent life at university, as well as further leadership opportunities as student leaders of Metropole.
To provide students with opportunities to enhance their studies by developing skills beyond the classroom, giving them opportunities to develop social responsibility as well as to contribute to the community in which we are situated.
Selecting Courses
- Consider subjects you enjoy and currently do well in. Give some thought to choosing subjects that you have not studied before but don’t be tempted to choose them just because they are new. Make sure you have the skills, knowledge and aptitudes which are suited to the study of those subjects.
- Listen to the advice of your teachers.
- Don’t choose a subject because your friends have. Choose what’s right for you.
- Research which subjects are required or are of benefit for the career you wish to pursue. You don’t want to discover that you can’t access the career you want because you don’t have the right A levels.
- Ensure that you do not exclude yourself from any university courses that you may wish to pursue (for example by having too few full A levels or the wrong subjects).
Compulsory Courses for Year 12 and 13
- Physical Education
- Moral Education
- Arabic (MoE) - if students hold an Arabic Passport
- Islamic - if student is registered Islamic, regardless of passport
Enrichment Activities
- Mix of termly activities that may include (sport, online employment readiness courses and entrepreneurship)
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- IPQ (subject to academic performance)
- Community Service
- Prefect / Student Council
- Model United Nations
Courses offered in Years 12 and 13
Courses offered in Year 12 and 13 (2023/2024)
Art, Craft, and Design A Level
Information Communication Technology
Biology IAS/IAL
Mathematics IAS/IAL
Business IAS/IAL
Media Studies A/AS
Chemistry IAS/IAL
Physical Education A Level
Computer Science A/AS
Physics IAS/IAL
Dance A Level
Psychology A Level
Drama And Theatre A Level
Sociology A/AS
Economics IAS/IAL
Spanish A Level
English Language
BTEC Applied Science
English Literature B IAS/IAL
BTEC Business
French A Level
Further Maths
BTEC Sports
History IAS/IAL
* Native Speakers must be tested in and approved by the Head of Department
Please Note:
- Students will choose a combination of 4 subjects for Year 12 and if following the IAS/IAL/AS/A Level route, will have the option not to continue one onto Year 13.
- All students will take Physical Activity and Moral Education as compulsory subjects. Muslim students will take Islamic Studies as a compulsory subject. Students holding Arabic passports must study Arabic (MoE).
- Applications to Post-16 will be reviewed and a conditional offer may be made subject to interviews.
- Prerequisites: Students must meet the minimum entry requirements for Sixth Form. The standard requirement on to our 'AS', ‘IAS’, ‘IAL’ and 'A' Level pathway is 5 GCSE's at Grade 5 (C) or above plus the minimum requirements of each subject. There are specific subjects studied in Sixth Form that will require higher GCSE grades such as Mathematics and the single Sciences. Exceptions may be made, but only after consultation and agreement with the Head of Secondary School and the Head of Sixth Form.
- Courses will only be run where there is sufficient student uptake.
- The courses choice structure may be subject to change at any time.
Our Sixth Form Students
More To Explore
We have a state of the art campus and facilities which create a rich learning environment.
Extra Curricular Activities
We offer programs that introduce students to a variety of exciting and enriching experiences.
University Destinations
GEMS students are accepted by some of the world's most prestigious universities
School Policies
Policies are important as they help a school establish rules and procedures and create standards of quality for learning and safety.