Metropole Future's Program
At GEMS Metropole we provide our future leaders with the skills and tools to leave Metropole as active and responsible future leaders ready to make a difference.
Our Future's Programme is intended for identified high ability, gifted and/or talented students in areas such as physical, social, creative and intellectual abilities.
As per KHDA, United Arab Emirates School inspection framework 2015-2016 pg:119 ‘The term giftedness refers to ‘a student who is in possession of untrained and spontaneously-expressed exceptional natural ability in one or more domain of human ability.’ These domains will include intellectual, creative, social, physical abilities. In the case of a gifted student, whilst exceptional potential will be present, they may actually under achieve’.
‘The term talented refers to ‘a student who has been able to transform their ‘giftedness’ into exceptional performance’. Talented students will always demonstrate exceptional levels of competence in the specific domains of human ability’.
Our identification process takes into account students’ standardised UK based assessments results, standardised cognitive development assessment results, teacher observation and identification procedures, parent discussions and Educational Psychologists identification reports.
In Secondary our team of educators, students and their parents are provided with a Future's passport identifying areas of strength and how best to support the student.
We have a wonderful group of parents who are actively involved in supporting the areas of challenge to our Futures program students as well as providing the students with challenges within the classroom, internal and external competitions and events, on the sports fields, through extra-curricular activities, Master classes and Enrichment program options.

We provide the students with early exposure to our Careers Hub team whilst ensuring the Counselling Team and Pastoral Team are monitoring the student’s well-being. It is of vital importance that our families understand that if your child is identified for the Futures program that their emotional wellbeing is supported and that they are provided the opportunities to still be children/teenagers.
For further information on how we provide support within Metropole, please feel free to refer to our: