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High Performance Learning

World Class Learners at GEMS Metropole


Following three years of extensive professional development, we are an accredited HPL World Class School using the High PerformanceLearning philosophy and framework to provide enhanced teaching and learning.World Class status indicates that we are one of the leading schools in the world.

The ethos of HPL mirrors our school’s vision, to be ‘an inspiring and inclusive community hub, developing future leaders’. This means that we believe that all the students can be
high performers, and we teach with these expectations in mind.

Using the research-based High Performance Learning approach developed byProfessor Deborah Eyre, helps us to systematically build the cognitivecompetencies that lead a young person to thrive in school and later life. Through a combination of our curriculum and the HPL approach, we are able to raise theperformance of every student. We embed the HPL philosophy throughout ourschool to create globally-minded enterprising learners, advanced performers, and accomplished leaders.


High Performance LearningWhat is HPL?

In 2010, Professor Deborah Eyre published a policy paper for the independent Think Tank Policy Exchange, in which she suggested that evidence from neuro-science and psychology demonstrated conclusively that the brain is exquisitely plastic and we can grow our intelligence. She challenged the system to stop categorising students by ability and instead expect high performance from everyone and systematically build towards it. Rather than a system which focuses on early detection of signs of failure, with pupils guided immediately into less demanding work, the system should be structured to provide the conditions that generate high performance and pupils steered towards this objective. She called this approach High Performance Learning and created a framework based on her lifetime's academic research on cognition. It identifies attributes, values and practices that can be developed in schools to enable more students to achieve highly to help schools make the philosophy a reality.