Conor Downey
Head of Year 5
Welcome to Year 5 at GEMS Metropole!
Hello, my name is Mr. Conor Downey and I am the Head of Year 5. I am from Ireland originally, but this is my seventh year teaching in Dubai.
In my spare time, I like visiting places around the UAE and I also really enjoy international travel. I have been to many places since living in Dubai and this summer I spent a couple of weeks travelling around Croatia.
Year 5 is an exciting year for students; full of creativity, independence and discovery. This year the students will be applying their learning more to the real world and they will also become enquirers who will be able to think independently about a topic. They will use their research and critical thinking skills to explore a wide range of units.
The Year 5 teachers are a highly experienced team who are really looking forward to working with and developing the students to the best of their abilities. We strive each day to challenge and extend the students through highly innovative and engaging lessons.
You can find out more about this through the Curriculum Handbook that has been shared and the termly Curriculum Newsletters that we will send. You will also be invited into the school at various times throughout the year to see the tremendous learning that is taking place in Year 5.
We are looking forward to working with you and we know it will be a successful year.